With all the super high tides we've had, and the predominantly lackluster swell, a hobby of late has been trying to make it under the bridge. I think more people that have surfed Cardiff on a regular basis over the last 5 years, have made it under the bridge in the last few weeks, than any other time I can remember. I can't recall how many times I've heard, "Man, I just made it all the way through the bridge for the first time." Often coming from people who've surfed Cardiff greater than 20 years.
Chuck Elliot trying to set up for a shot.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Not this time
This kid made it
And so did this one
A set for the Florance Family
Last month we were informed that the Florance boys were frothing over one
of our Handplanes and wanted a grip. We were stocked to make this set and
know th...
12 years ago
was just lookin at some pics of steve b. surfin on thru on lance smiths site, looks like a fun diversion for a small day
heres a link
glad to see Chuck's smiling face back in the water!!!
looks like the recovery is going ok
blind 1
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