Why? I can't seem to find my camera cord to download pictures. I have a decent amount that I could post, but can't download them. Cord was last seen packing to evacuate for the fires. Truth be told, I've been living off stuff I already had or that I could steal from someone else. I spent 50 bucks on God knows what at Home Depot today, but can't seem to make it to the electronics store to pick up a new cord. I guess I'm cheap, cause I think it's gonna turn up, I just don't know when. So, Here is another pic I stole. I figure since JP brought this board up in my Bonzer post, I might as well steal one of his pictures and post it. I've caught some great waves on this board and for some reason it truly agrees with me. I haven't been riding it much lately, cause it's one of those, "Gonna keep it for the rest of my life boards," and I don't want to wear it out too much. Gotta knock on wood about that statement, cause the last time I said that, it was about my Brown Fish. That one got stolen out of my camper a few years ago. I still miss it.
A set for the Florance Family
Last month we were informed that the Florance boys were frothing over one
of our Handplanes and wanted a grip. We were stocked to make this set and
know th...
12 years ago
Hair is gettin really grey Toby.Wears my board!
As for the camera cord, just get a USB card reader for the type of card your camera has. Much mo' easy in my opinion.
Luckily the cord finally turned up in my wife's backpack. It was the last bag I got around to checking, as she had it holed up in her car.
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