Wednesday, February 27, 2008

BFE Part 2

The Brownfish Experiment is now back in my posession. Moonlight performed another great glass job. The shape came out pretty decent, but only time will tell. Will update after a get a chance to give her a go.


Anonymous said...

It looks good. What number is this for you?
Any ways, with Mitch's close and Moonlight there to seal the deal, why buy right. What I find expensive were fins.

My next project is to make them myself.

Joe B
San Diego

vasco said...

Nice board!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brown, who drew the fish?

brownfish said...

"It looks good. What number is this for you? Joe B"

Joe, this is #2. #1 was "My August Project". If you look closely at both boards, they are pretty similar. I was trying to add a little more rocker that the old board, that I salvaged the blank from, wouldn't allow me. Plus clean up a few areas in the foil. As for Blanks, I think I'm gonna be using Ice-9 for most of my future boards. I really like how they do business and the product seems nice. As for glassers, with Moonlight a stones throw from my house, I can't really miss. Plus, them doing the best work in the business doesn't hurt either.

"Hey Brown, who drew the fish?"

I drew it on a piece of paper, cut it out, traced it on the board with a pencil, then colored it in with Poscas and Water-Based Sharpies. My wife coulda done it much better, but, she's got more important work to do. It came out pretty good, so I might scan that exact outline, color it in on Photoshop, and use it on rice paper in the future.