Friday, January 25, 2008

Head High Glassy Blog

While cruising Blogs last night, I came across Jamie Murrays "Head High Glassy." I really like the feel to his blog, so I figured I'd link it up and hopefully some of you will check it out (if you already haven't). Here's a recent excerpt from Jamie that I thought was pretty inspirational:

Up here in Sonoma County, we think about wine a lot. When asked about the impending recession, a local grower told me not to worry. "When the economy is bad, people want to have a drink," he said. "When the economy is good, people want to have a drink." He was old and wearing the crustiest Wranglers I'd ever seen, so I took his word for it. This was not the first time I'd heard this argument.
Some of us spend a lot of time up here thinking about surfing, and a similar logic can be applied: we surf to heal, to mourn, to express frustration or anger or fear or love or joy, we surf to celebrate, and we surf to feel connected to something greater than ourselves. A lot of people surf because they want to, but most surfers surf because they have to. It is how we make sense, and it can't be slowed by lagging economies, or falling housing markets, or births or deaths or aging bodies.
So, as another recession gathers energy and surges up behind us, it's our responsibility to put our heads down and paddle, drop in, and point it to the shoulder. And, as we paddle back out for more, it's our responsibility to hoot for the next guy or gal dropping in. What else are we going to do?


Bob said...

I heart booze.

st.ouen surfer said...

I also have been checking his blog
which I like too.
I have only recently started my own and am slowly getting to grips with it so I can start adding links too.
PS. keep up the good work, I visit your blog lots

6ftnperfect said...

that is a good post, and a good looking shape. I've been thinking about my next project and that might be it!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of wine there is a bottle at the shop with your name on it from S.A.