Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have been kinda lazy lately. Just started working a new schedule and I've been pretty tired. Haven't been spending as much time at the keyboard as of late. Don't know if thats a good thing or a bad one. A friend of mine borrowed my coveted Hynson Black Knight Quad last weekend. He's shaping his first board and wanted to template either a Pavel Speeddialer or the BKQ. Since I've had both and tend to prefer the Black Knight (for my style of surfing) I figured I'd let him borrow it for a while. I'm lucky enough to have a decent array of boards right now, so letting one go for a bit isn't too much of a hardship. Plus, I think (lets just call him Mr. Pepper) is a pretty cool guy, and I know he's already got the skills to shape a pretty decent board, he's just been scared all this time. Kinda like I was. Now it's one of the things I think about constantly. So, the other day I get this e-mail from Mr. Pepper, which said something about obsession and compulsion and shaping and what not. Attached to the e-mail is this picture:

I couldn't respond to the e-mail, but I'm sure Mr. Pepper will be trolling around and see this. With this kinda planning, I don't see how he will go wrong.

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