I've for some reason had a run of bad luck when it comes to dings over the last few years. I've probably spent more money on Ding Repair in the last 2 years then in the prior 20. My last collision occured during my third session on my new Hynson Black Knight Quad. Guy took off in front of me and caught a rail on his bottom turn and, well, I came up with this ding. The corner section had to be removed, built back up, then glassed, painted, glossed. 3 weeks later I had my new board back. Thanks guy.

Pavel Speeddialer - I waited over a year for this board. Third day out on an overhead wave, went off the top and was bottom turning for another when, whammo, something happened and I was no longer on my board. Came up and a surf canoe (the sitdown surfboards, like they use at boneyards), was sitting a few feet away. It seems the guy got caught inside on the set and lost his board. Leash snapped and I got taken out by the stray board. Never even saw the thing.

My good old faithful Sashimi. I always loved this model. Too bad I don't love CI anymore. Hadn't ridden it in a while and decided to have it retro-fit with FCS to make it a quad. Second time riding it after the retro-fit, I was motoring down the line and did what I thought was a really nice floater. Problem was, there happened to be a guy on a log who took off in front of me way down the line. Well when I went up for the floater, I was thinkin, "No way I'm catching him." The wave closed out on him and he cut back, I didn't realize I covered so much ground and my nose came right down on his deck. Pretty much broke the nose off 4" from the tip. Only thing holding it together was the deck glass. Here is a pic after the repair.