About 4 months ago I found a used XTR Black Knight Quad in the classifieds. It was about 4 months old and had a decent amount of use on it, but I was very interested in giving the XTR a true go. I had been thinking about ordering a new XTR BKQ, but kinda wanted a little trial. It was an inch or so shorter than I normally would have ordered, but I figured it was still in the surfable range. So I traded a board that was virtually new for it. I rode it a couple times, then it took a break for a few weeks due to lack of surf, or scheduling conflicts. One day I went out in the garage and glanced over at my BKQ and noticed a major problem. Now, I'm not going to go into specifics, cause thats not what this story is about. So, I contacted Sean Mattison at Hynson, and also Javiar at Epoxy Pro (XTR). Sent them some pics, and before I could even ask, they both offered to make me a brand new board. Without hesitation, they asked for dimensions, color, glass schedule, etc. The board was cut from the machine that day. Less than 3 weeks later I had my new board. I can't say enough about this type of customer service. Both gets heaps of respect from me. Thanks.